
When you go though amigo.session using the provided SQLiteEngine you automatically begin a SQL Transaction.

If you would like your information to actually be persisted you must commit the transaction. Once committed, the session will automatically begin a new transaciton for you.

import Amigo

class Dog: AmigoModel{
    dynamic var id: NSNumber!
    dynamic var label: String!

class Person: AmigoModel{
    dynamic var id: NSNumber!
    dynamic var label: String!
    dynamic var dog: Dog!

let dog = ORMModel(Dog.self,
    Column("id", type: Int.self, primaryKey: true),
    Column("label", type: String.self),
    OneToMany("people", using: Person.self, on: "dog")

let person = ORMModel(Person.self,
    Column("id", type: Int.self, primaryKey: true),
    Column("label", type: String.self),
    Column("dog", type: ForeignKey(dog))

// specifying 'echo: true' will have amigo print out
// all of the SQL commands it's generating.
let engine = SQLiteEngineFactory(":memory:", echo: true)
amigo = Amigo([dog, person], factory: engine)

let session = amigo.session
let d1 = Dog()
let d2 = Dog()

d1.label = "Lucy"
d2.label = "Ollie"

session.add(d1, d2)


When inserting a model, you have the option to choose weather or not you would like this to be done as an insert or an upsert. In sqlite this translates to INSERT OR REPLACE. To take advantage of this you need to pass an additional argument to session.add.

session.add(myModel, upsert: true)


If you would like to batch a significant number of queries Amigo supports this for add and delete.

let session = amigo.session

session.batch{ bacth in
    myUpserts.forEach{ batch.add($0, upsert: true) }

This will take all of the generated sql and execute at once. It’s a convenience over FMDB executeStatements


When you use this functionality Amigo does not make any updates to the source models. For example, doing an session.add will modify the source model with the primary key assigned to it by immediately issuing a SELECT last_insert_rowid();. However, batch.add will not do this.


If you use batching with Many-To-Many + Through Models you should have all of the information necessary in advance for the relationship. It’s not required, but if you don’t have all of the Foreign Keys and Primary Key for the record, Amigo will skip batching those items in favor of a regular session.add to ensure it has the proper information.